Jakarta, June 25, 2020 - Erajaya Micro Learning (EMiL) Apps held an EMiL Classroom Virtual Workshop with Teachers from SMKN 47 Jakarta. This workshop was held as a continuation of the EMiL Program which during the pandemic focused on providing home learning tools for vocational students and teachers.
The workshop was attended by dozens of teachers from various majors at SMKN 47 Jakarta. The event was hosted by 2 people namely Galih Riyadi as Head of CSR of PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk and Reyani Anggi as PIC EMiL Application. In addition to sharing knowledge from the EMiL Team, the Teachers also practice direct trials using the Classroom Features in their respective devices.
EMiL Classroom as the latest feature in the EMiL application has a function including that teachers can share materials and questions to students in a Study Room in each school. In this Classroom, students will be able to access the Study Room and read the material given by the teacher. Furthermore, students can also take part in quizzes and answer questions that are distributed based on the teacher, class, and each subject. Not only sharing material and questions, Classroom presents an assessment dashboard that can be downloaded by teachers so that it makes it easier to correct student work.
In addition to sharing material and questions, in EMiL Classroom there is also a chat feature that makes it easy for students and teachers to communicate. By using the Classroom Feature, the teacher has the flexibility and creativity to carry out online learning. This activity is a series of activities that will continue to run along with the implementation of online student learning until an undetermined time. Hopefully, EMiL application can be useful for the world of education, especially in vocational schools, especially in a pandemic like this.