Corporate Governance Policy
In line with its rapid growth, Erajaya aware of the importance of the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), namely Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, and Fairness in its day-to-day operations. Therefore the Board of Commissioners along with the Board of Directors has developed a Corporate Governance Policy as a guideline for the Board of Commissioners and Directors in running the Company and making decisions.
Erajaya Corporate Governance Policy aims to maximize the value of the Company for its shareholders by applying the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility; avoid domination by any party; free of conflict of interests in order to create objectivity in decision-making so that the Company is reliable and competitive.
Corporate Governance Policy encourages the Company’s management to manage the Company in a professional, transparent and efficient way, and also encourage Shareholders, Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors to has a foundation of high moral value and compliance with the law in making a decision.
The Corporate Governance Policy is in Bahasa Indonesia and English version will be available soon.
Board of Directors Charter
In performing its duties, the Board of Directors has a very crucial and strategic role in managing the business operation of the Company resulting in the requirement of a Charter as a guideline for the Board of Directors in carrying out the duties, responsibilities and authorities to meet the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders.
With the Charter, the Board of Directors in performing duties at all times will act and behave based on the principles of GCG namely Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence and Fairness consistently, in accordance with the ethical standards and values that apply in Erajaya, and always obey the laws and regulations and the Articles of Association Company.
The Board of Directors Charter is in Bahasa Indonesia and English version will be available soon.
Board of Commissioners Charter
In performing their duties, the Board of Commissioners has a very important role in overseeing the Company’s course of business. Thus, a Working Guideline is required as a guide for the Board of Commissioners in carrying out the duties, responsibilities and authorities to meet the interests of Shareholders and other Stakeholders.
Having this Charter, the Board of Commissioners in carrying out their duties will at all times act and behave consistently based on the principles of good corporate governance namely Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence and Fairness, in accordance with the code of conduct and values prevailing in Erajaya, and always adhere to the applicable laws and regulations and the Company’s Articles of Association.
The Board of Commissioners Charter is in Bahasa Indonesia and English version will be available soon.
Internal Audit Charter
In accordance with the letter of the chairman of Bapepam LK 29 / PM / 2004, on the establishment and implementation guidelines of the Audit Committee's in public companies shows that internal control is very important to guarantee the achievement of the company's establishment.
Internal Audit Charter is one elaboration of guidelines for the implementation of GCG and compiled to be reference of the Internal Audit Unit (UAI) in order to work in a professional manner in accordance with the purpose of assignment, and also as a means of communication that the work of the Internal Audit Unit (UAI) be accepted and supported by other work units.
The Internal Audit Charter is in Bahasa Indonesia and English version will be available soon.
Code of Conduct
The implementation of Good Corporate Governance is the foundation for the formation of system, structure and culture that will be the operational basic of the Company and will be the strength of the Company in conducting sustainable business, has a competitive advantage, in increasing the added value of the Company. Therefore, Erajaya is committed to implementing GCG consistently one of which is carried out through the preparation of the Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct is a set of commitments comprised of business ethics of Erajaya and work ethic of Erajaya Personnel prepared to influence, form, organize and conduct the conformity of behavior in order to achieve consistent output in accordance with the values and culture of Erajaya in achieving its vision and mission.
The Company’s Code of Conducts is in Bahasa Indonesia and English version will be available soon.
Audit Committee Charter
In order to support the Board of Commissiners implementation of duties and responsibilities, the Board of Commissioners shall form the Audit Committee. In performing its duties, the Audit Committee has a very important role to assist the Board of Commissioners to supervise the course of the Company resulting in the requirement of a Charter as a guideline for the Audit Committee in carrying out the duties, responsibilities and authorities.
Audit Committee Charter is compiled as a guideline to allow the Audit Committee performs their duties and responsibilities efficiently, effectively, transparently, competently, independently, and accountably and in accordance with the prevailing statutory regulations.
The Audit Committee Charter is in Bahasa Indonesia and English version will be available soon.

Articles of Association
Deed of incorporation of a Limited Company (the "Company") contains the articles of association of the Company and other information relating to the establishment of the Company.
Public Accountant & Share Registrar
Public Accountant
Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower 2, 7th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.52-53
Jakarta 12910, Indonesia
Tel. +62-21 5289 5000
Fax. +62-21 5289 4100
Share Registrar
PT Raya Saham Registra
Plaza Sentral Building, 2nd Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.47-48
Jakarta 12930, Indonesia
Tel. +62-21 2525 666
Fax. +62-21 2525 028

Communication Policy
The Company is committed to creating long-term value for its shareholders, this commitment is demonstrated through the preparation of a Corporate Communications Policy that governs the process of providing information to shareholders and the investment community on a timely and reasonable basis so that shareholders and the investment community can assess the strategy, development, operations and financial performance of the Company, and enable shareholders and investment communities to be actively involved with the Company.
Whistleblowing System
As part of Erajaya's commitment to continuously improve GCG implementation, any violation against GCG implementation and Code of Conduct shall be avoided by all Erajaya People. In this course, the Company has already had a Whistleblowing System as a report submission channel for any violation against GCG and Code of Conducts' implementation in the Company.