Our Efforts
Focus on implementation and evaluation of good and sustainable corporate governance
Stakeholders Relation

*Data as of December 2021
Publication and information tranparency

*Data as of December 2021
Governance Programs

Public Company Governance Guidelines
Directors have been adjusted to the complexity of the Company while taking into account the activities in decision making.
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Public Company Governance Guidelines
The diversity of the composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors is a combination of characteristics, both from an institutional perspective and individual members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, according to the needs of the Company. These characteristics can be reflected in determining the skills, knowledge and experience needed in carrying out the duties as stipulated in the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 21/POJK.04/2015 concerning Implementation of Guidelines for Governance of Public Companies Jo. Financial Services Authority Circular Letter number 32/SEOJK.04/2015 concerning Guidelines for Public Company Governance.
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Stakeholder Mapping
Mapping out the categories of Stakeholders who play a major role and have a significant influence on the Company's performance
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Stakeholder Mapping
Stakeholders are parties who have an interest in a company and can influence or be affected by the business. In addition to complying with regulations, we also carry out strategic approaches for stakeholders
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Sustainablity Report
Developing & implementing sustainability principles as outlined in the form of a Sustainability Report
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Sustainablity Report
2021 is first year for the Erajaya Group in implementing the principles of sustainability as outlined in the form of a Sustainability Report. We realized there are still many limitations in the implementation process. Therefore, in this initial phase, management is still focusing on a series of outreach which are carried out continuously in order to increase the understanding of all Company personnel regarding the implementation of responsible business operational activities and concerned with ESG issues.